"PFAS Chemicals Harm the Immune System, Decrease Response to Vaccines, New EWG Review Finds"


" Studies in the Faroe Islands found children with higher blood levels of PFAS had lower levels of diphtheria and tetanus antibodies two years after receiving their DTaP vaccination at age five (Grandjean 2012)."


"A woman developed a rare case of acute kidney failure linked to ANCA-associated vasculitis (AAV) following her first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, according to a report.

This case adds to previous reports suggesting that COVID-19 vaccines may, in rare instances, promote the development or exacerbation of autoimmune diseases, such as AAV, from their silent state, the researchers noted."


" Since the mRNA vaccine does not introduce changes corresponding to DNA, these results indicated
post-translational changes in histones of the nucleus upon incubation with the mRNA vaccine, not in DNA."


"Immune-mediated liver injury following COVID-19 vaccination"

" Immune-mediated liver injury remains an elusive but rare entity following COVID-19 vaccination. It is the responsibility of investigators and scientists worldwide to maintain a vigilant eye and continue reporting rare incidents related to vaccination with a high index of suspicion." 
